
Marvel Comics Presents (2007 2nd Series) #6

MARVELMarvel Comics Presents (2007 2nd Series) #6

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290,00 TL
Vergiler Hariç: 241,67 TL
15 kişi tarafından görüntülendi

Öne Çıkan Özellikler

Ürün Özellikleri
Basım Diliİngilizce
Basım Yılı2020 ve Öncesi
BoyutNormal Boy
Sayfa Sayısı1-25
Setli/TekilTekil Ürün
Written by MARC GUGGENHEIM, CHRISTOS GAGE, ROBERT VENDITTI, RICH KOSLOWSKI Penciled by DAVE WILKINS, JOYCE CHIN, JEREMY HAUN, ANDREA DIVITO Cover by DAVE WILKINS CAPTAIN AMERICA leaps into action in WWII; and the Sentinel of Liberty's actions affect not just the fighting troops; but even a man judged unfit for combat! Plus; KA; ZAR and SHANNA bring together the tribes of the SAVAGE LAND to fight a common foe; but how long can they stay united? Meanwhile, Detective STACY DOLAN tracks down a wanted terrorist; one she thought she already put behind bars; and an unexpected guest star reveals his link to the mystery of the VANGUARD; And finally; Michael Pointer, the GUARDIAN, has been hearing things; things he does not want to hear; in WEAPON OMEGA ingilizce fasiküldür;

Ürün Açıklamaları

Written by MARC GUGGENHEIM, CHRISTOS GAGE, ROBERT VENDITTI, RICH KOSLOWSKI Penciled by DAVE WILKINS, JOYCE CHIN, JEREMY HAUN, ANDREA DIVITO Cover by DAVE WILKINS CAPTAIN AMERICA leaps into action in WWII; and the Sentinel of Liberty's actions affect not just the fighting troops; but even a man judged unfit for combat! Plus; KA; ZAR and SHANNA bring together the tribes of the SAVAGE LAND to fight a common foe; but how long can they stay united? Meanwhile, Detective STACY DOLAN tracks down a wanted terrorist; one she thought she already put behind bars; and an unexpected guest star reveals his link to the mystery of the VANGUARD; And finally; Michael Pointer, the GUARDIAN, has been hearing things; things he does not want to hear; in WEAPON OMEGA ingilizce fasiküldür;

Ürün Özellikleri

Ürün Özellikleri
Basım Diliİngilizce
Basım Yılı2020 ve Öncesi
BoyutNormal Boy
Sayfa Sayısı1-25
Setli/TekilTekil Ürün

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