Level 1 - Aesop's Fables (4022)

Level 1 - Aesop's Fables (4022)

GunkesLevel 1 - Aesop's Fables (4022)
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115,49 TL
Vergiler Hariç: 115,49 TL
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The storyteller Aesop was e slave who lived during the 6th Century B.C. He I5 stili regarded as the çreatest story teller of ali time.Hesop's fables are filled "ilh liiiinor irorals and lessons you can applv to your eKeryday life.Eiich slory is shürl and easy ta read but nas a unigue life iesson.in this book yon will read sonie classical tales yoii have heard before like The Tortoise and the Hare bot also nany hninoroiis stories you've probably hairen't heard.The fables wiitten açes ago are translated iitû conntless languages. And the irorals of the fables are üniversel

Ürün Adı: Level 1 - Aesop's Fables

Ürün Açıklamaları

The storyteller Aesop was e slave who lived during the 6th Century B.C. He I5 stili regarded as the çreatest story teller of ali time.Hesop's fables are filled "ilh liiiinor irorals and lessons you can applv to your eKeryday life.Eiich slory is shürl and easy ta read but nas a unigue life iesson.in this book yon will read sonie classical tales yoii have heard before like The Tortoise and the Hare bot also nany hninoroiis stories you've probably hairen't heard.The fables wiitten açes ago are translated iitû conntless languages. And the irorals of the fables are üniversel

Ürün Adı: Level 1 - Aesop's Fables

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